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Sunday, December 28, 2014

OPEC bets against U.S. fracking

Oil supply and budgetary gamble is America's gain, and not just in the short term.

This month, the OnCue Express gas station in Oklahoma City lowered its price for a gallon of regular gas to $1.99.
Nationwide, the average price is $2.41 per gallon, down from a high of $3.70 the end of April. Gas prices are the lowest they have been in five years and are expected to decline further, following the $50 collapse in oil prices since this summer.
Prices are down because of a combination of reduced demand and dramatically increased supply, created to an extent by the hydraulic fracturing revolution known as fracking.

At last month's meeting of the Organization of Petrolum Exporting Countries ministers in Vienna, some members argued for decreasing production to slow or reverse the oil price drop. But Saudi Arabia, still OPEC's largest oil producer, convinced the other members of the cartel that their best move would be to keep the spigots open. It is a move that remains under debate this week at an Arab energy conference in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
It seems strange that OPEC would be trying to drive oil prices lower. After all, the whole point of the cartel is to use its leverage to maximize profits. But Saudi Arabia's oil minister, Ali al-Naimi, sees low prices as a new kind of strategic weapon. He believes that oil producing countries need to accept some temporary pain in order to drive down prices to the point where fracking becomes unprofitable, and the newly emerged North American producers start going out of business.
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It is a bold gamble on OPEC's part, and one that is bound to fail. It is true that shale oil production is more expensive than traditional oil drilling. Fracking is unsustainable if oil prices go below $50 or $60 per barrel.
But the break-even points for most OPEC members are much higher. Countries that depend on oil revenue — such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and Venezuela — need prices in the range of $100 to $130 per barrel to balance their budgets. Crude oil prices are already in the high $50s or low $60s, and these countries could be facing serious instability while they cut their budgets as they wait for the American producers to go belly up.
There are strategic benefits for the United States because oil profits fund everything from the Iranian nuclear program to Islamic State terrorism to Russian military modernization. With lower prices, there will be fewer resources available to underwrite these dangerous activities.
Domestically, more affordable oil is good news for everyone, except the fracking industry and environmentalists.
Cheaper gasoline means more disposable income, and lower shipping costs leads to lower prices. Low energy costs tend to boost economic growth, potentially spurring job creation in an economy that has failed to produce rising wages.
OPEC's gamble is America's gain, and not just in the short term. The problem with Saudi minister al-Naimi's strategy is that he does not have a viable endgame. Even if OPEC can hold prices down long enough for American energy companies to feel the pinch, the oil-revenue-dependent states can't keep prices depressed forever.
When oil bottoms out and begins to rise again, fracking will once more become profitable and the cycle will repeat. And as shale oil extraction technology improves and becomes more efficient, the break-even point will decline further, making it that much harder for OPEC to wage economic war.
The question is not how far down OPEC has to drive oil prices to spell the doom of fracking. It is whether OPEC will even survive to see that day.
James S. Robbins, author of The Real Custer: From Boy General to Tragic Hero, is a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors.

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