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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Weiner Blows Off Pelosi

Weiner Blows Off Pelosi

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) recently described Weiner's womanizing as "reprehensible" and said his actions are "disrespectful of women." Weiner resigned his Congressional seat in 2011 under pressure from Pelosi.

But according to The Hill, this time around will be different. Weiner said "he has no intention of dropping out of the [NYC mayoral] race."
Pelosi has lumped Weiner together with San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, who is also under fire over allegations of sexual misconduct from members of his own staff.
Yet Weiner remains defiant, saying it is okay if Pelosi does not like him because "she's not going to have a chance to vote for [him]" when it comes to a NYC mayoral campaign.
The latest polling in the race shows that recent revelations of Weiner's sexting escapades dropped him nine points behind Christine Quinn.

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