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Thursday, August 28, 2014

2016: Iowa Poll Shows Huge Lead for... Mitt Romney

2016: Iowa Poll Shows Huge Lead for... Mitt Romney

A new poll shows that two-time losing GOP candidate for President Mitt Romney leads in Iowa among candidates for the 2016 nomination.

According to the new USA Today poll, 35 percent of likely GOP voters in Iowa would pick Mitt Romney as the next GOP nominee.
None of the other Republican candidates thought to be running for president in 2016 even got into double digits in the poll.

This all comes only a day after Romney said in an interview that "circumstances" could change enough for him to consider running for the White House a third time.
Appearing on the Hugh Hewitt radio show on August 26, Romney took a slightly different tone than he had in the recent past, saying that he could change his mind about running again.
"Circumstances can change, but I’m just not going to let my head go there," Romney said to talker Hewitt.
Even as he said circumstances can change, Romney continued to say he wasn't running again. "Someone else has a better chance than I do. And that’s what we believe, and that’s why I’m not running," he said.
But despite his assurances that he won't run again, voters in Iowa seem to wish he would.
"In Wednesday’s survey of 170 likely caucus voters," Politico reported, "9 percent said they would vote for former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, putting him in a distant second to Romney. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum both came in third at 6 percent, while Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul tied for fifth with 5 percent."
Only ten percent of those polled said they were undecided.
When respondents were asked to exclude Romney, Governor Huckabee scored 13 percent with New Jersey's Chris Christie coming in at 10 percent.

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