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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Obama's Foreign Policy Agenda Met with Tepid Applause at American Legion

Obama's Foreign Policy Agenda Met with Tepid Applause at American Legion

President Obama received a tepid response from veterans as he voiced his foreign policy ideals during a speech at the American Legion’s 96th national convention in North Carolina.

Staring blankly at his teleprompter, Obama recited his speech, pausing for applause that never came.
“You know that we should never send America’s sons and daughters into harm's way unless it is absolutely necessary, and we have a plan and we are resourcing it and are prepared to see it through,” he said, pausing for a smattering of delayed applause.

Many of the veterans shown on camera during his speech made no effort to applause, instead watching the speech with arms folded.

Obama noted that although he authorized military air strikes in Iraq, removing American troops was the “right thing to do.”
“Rooting out a cancer like ISIL won’t be easy and it won’t be quick, but tyrants and murderers before them should recognize that kind of hateful vision ultimately is no match for the strength and hopes of people who stand together for the security, dignity, and freedom that is the birthright of every human being,” Obama said, pausing for applause that never came.
Veterans were more responsive to Obama's domestic agenda, applauding promises to fix the problems at the Department of Veterans Affairs and offer veterans more funding, housing, and health care.
"What we've come to learn is that the misconduct we've seen at too many facilities, with long wait times, and veterans not receiving care, and folks cooking the books, is outrageous and inexcusable," he said.

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