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Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Fake James Foley Beheading Video: MSM Admits Its Fake – Tries to Salvage What They Can


The fake James Foley beheading video was so badly conceived, in order to try to maintain it’s credibility a little longer, government shills started an online social media campaign in an effort to keep Americans from watching it. But that didn’t work. Sites like mine and a few others (a few) openly discussed the flaws with the production value of the pro-war infomercial and Americans, tired of wars and the lies that bring them, found their way to the video then found their way to sites like this one as that little voice in the back of their heads said “uh. that’s bullshit”
The Fake James Foley Beheading Video MSM Admits Its Fake – Tries to Salvage What They Can

The story of James Foley’s last kneel has crumbled completely as they attempt to salvage what they can from the manufactured consent psyop. The fake head lying on the fake body is their last ditch effort to maintain some semblance of credibility. Let’s do away with that shall we/
(oh wait… another “journalist” claims he memorized James’ last letter home. How touching. How dramatic. How incredibly stupid. You know damn well when they were writing that little plot-twist someone around that table suggested he smuggled the letter out in his butt. You know they did. You just know it.)

The UK Times reported that an international forensic science company, which has worked for police forces across Britain, said there is no question Foley was beheaded but that camera trickery and post-production techniques look to have been used.
“I think it has been staged,” said one expert in visual forensics, after he was commissioned by The UK Times to examine the footage.
“My feeling is that the execution may have happened after the camera was stopped.”
Aymenn al-Tamimi, a fellow at the Middle East Forum think-tank, said over the years ISIS militants have improved the production quality of their videos.
The analysis by experts has highlighted a number of inconsistencies that could suggest that the beheading of Foley, which was seen on the video, was not his actual death. News.Com
Here we are a week later and the MSM is starting to have to acknowledge what most already know from just one glance at the stupid James Foley beheading video: it’s as fake as Joan Rivers’ face.
But they can’t let go of the propaganda no matter how stupid the new narrative sounds: they faked the beheading on camera and then beheaded him for real.
This is the same “ISIS” that beheaded babies?
Now that our work exposing the phony beheading part of the video is complete and the MSM is having to play catch-up, let me explain something to you folks: this is a prop (click on image for larger view) made by Lars Carlsson for the opera Salome on the Malmö Opera in Sweden. prop… not a head
That is not Photoshop. It’s not some cheap video editing crap like those new “magic” TV shows. It’s a physical tangible prop. Nothing more. This is the process of how it was made., artist and kid. cute kid
As I and others have painstakingly pointed out over the past few days, the video of the beheading, the speech leading up to it, the bloodless sawing at Foley’s neck with a fake stage knife.. it was all stagecraft and poorly scripted, poorly acted.
We have proven our point and thus won this round of the information war against the hearts and minds propagandists and war apologists getting fat paychecks for promoting violence and death. It really wasn’t a fair fight. The video was as obviously fake as the emperor was naked. Kinda like shooting paralyzed fish in a barrel with a shotgun.
The last thing they have to hang their hats on is that final scene of their sophomoric production, the “head on his back” money-shot.
It’s a fraud. A lie. A prop just like the knife. Just like James.
A skilled artist made that head, not James’ parents.
The one used in the fake video is pretty easy compared to the one pictured above. The mouth is closed, no teeth, no tongue and they even shaved his head so they wouldn’t have to take the time to do the hair, which is painstakingly tedious from what I understand. And unlike this one, they didn’t have to worry about the back of the head or the neck since there was only that one shot from the front.
It makes no sense that ISIS would fake the beheading with a stage prop knife and then kill him off camera. That’s just stupid.
It makes no sense that Foley would go along with the ruse while the MI6 agent pretended to cut his head off. That’s just stupid.
The head on the fake body is a prop just like the knife and we should be just as diligent in promoting that “truth to power” as we were in exposing the fake beheading itself.
How many young men and women, Iraqi or American, are really going to lose their heads over this manufactured consent propaganda? I wonder if James’ proud parents have wondered that while doing the talk show circuit. I wonder if they care.
I care. That’s why I do this. You care. That’s why you’re here.
The epic fail fake James Foley beheading video has been reduced to shambles and now they desperately cling to it’s tattered remains. Let’s push this crap over the cliff like the WMDs story and the Yellow Cake from Niger story because unlike James Foley, you and I still have a moral center and that little voice in the back of our head that says “bullshit”

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