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Thursday, September 25, 2014

If Rush Limbaugh’s Thoughts on Holder’s Resignation Turn out to be True, America is in Big Trouble

Rush Limbaugh Eric Holder
There have been calls for the ousting of Eric Holder, activist attorney general who operates more like Obama’s personal lawyer, from office for quite some time. His tenure has been plagued with scandal after scandal and Holder’s defiant attitude is not what one would expect from the man who is supposed to represent America and the constitutional best interests of American citizens. As the first sitting Attorney General to be held in contempt of Congress, Holder has obstructed justice and, when he sought to get justice, it was selectively applied depending upon ethnicity.

By his own admission, he is an activist, even while occupying the position that leads the Department of Justice.

The announcement of his resignation, which will officially take place as soon as his successor is found, came as a surprise to many. While some rejoiced, others speculated reasons for the decision to resign. Conservative talk radio icon Rush Limbaugh posed a possibility that should send chills down the spine of every single patriot loving America, especially those who may have been victims of the Obama regime’s targeting of private citizens using the IRS for simply having a different point of view politically, one grounded where theirs should be, in the Constitution.

  The Daily Caller’s Matt Lewis tweeted about Rush’s speculation as to why Holder would resign

Matt Lewis @mattklewis
"There may be a Supreme Court vacancy -- and I can see Barack Obama nominating Eric Holder to fill it." - Rush LImbaugh

Matt Lewis @mattklewis
Rush predicts it would be easier to nominate Holder to the Supreme Court if he were no longer AG.

The Daily Caller’s Matt Lewis tweeted about Rush’s speculation as to why Holder would resign.
We already know what Holder thinks of the Constitution. He has no respect for it as is evidenced by his words and actions. After all, he is an attorney general who as a college student participated in the armed takeover of an ROTC office with the demand that the name of the office be changed to black activist and Civil Rights leader Malcolm X.

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