media is selling fear of beheadings to the public. Syria is destroyed
and so is Iraq, principally at the hands of the U.S. military machine
and western partners. Oil pipelines and weapons deals are the reasons
for this monstrosity that knows no end in its brutal occupation. The
U.S. sold arms to Nouri al-Maliki to back his corrupt regime and backed
his forces with drone strikes against ISIS, even though the American CIA
also previously supported jihadist Sunni rebels, including the
ISIS—procuring weapons for these groups, to attack the government of
Bashar al-Assad. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are now dead in
Syria—murdered by U.S. backed proxies. The ISIS are now in control of
oil fields in Iraq thanks in no small part to U.S. weaponry, sold to
Maliki, which they obtained after taking over major areas of the
colonial powers and western energy conglomerates/capitalist investors
are now dividing the spoils of oil resources for NATO geopolitical war
machine control. U.S. bombing of Iraq to impose ethnic borders between
the Kurds, the Sunnis and the Shias is the U.S. military strategy to
make this war-ridden land safe for U.S. multinational oil investors who
supply a never ending flow of oil to the global NATO war machine.
though the real reason for conducting brutalizing airstrikes against
Iraq is to re-enforce American domination, the U.S. imperial corporate
apparatus via the deceptive mass media sold the sustained vicious
bombing to the American people as humanitarian intervention to save the
Yazadi people and to avenge the deaths of two slain/beheaded western
reporters. The military-industrial-corporate media complex will continue
to foment war tensions through its success at demonizing enemies on
numerous fronts—including Putin, who they claim is invading Ukraine, and
the Ukrainian separatists who will not bend to Washington’s right-wing
Neo-Nazi regime in Kiev.
ISIS is a 100 percent product of the U.S. proxy destabilization policy
against Syria, and their command of Iraq’s oil fields in Mosul, along
with this group’s beheading of journalists, both function as convenient
war propaganda to anger the American public and fuel the U.S. airstrike
machine that benefits the capitalist armaments industry since Americans
subconsciously believe as a result of their national security
indoctrination that the petroleum of the Middle East is U.S. property
serving “core interests” and protecting their “way of life.”
Afghan region is still occupied via U.S. forces for the construction of
the TAP (Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan) pipeline that controls
the flow of Caspian Sea Oil against Russia. Over 1000 military bases in
130 nations still straddle the globe of the biggest and most brutal
weapons manufacturing war economy militarist system in history that
drone bombs children in Pakistan, Yemen and Iraq, even though the
American people are not hearing about it in the controlled mass media.
that one looks it is occupation and militarization for resource
control. Sanctions and war, genocide and slaughter were the result of
the 1990-1991 attack against the sovereign nation of Iraq. Depleted
uranium munitions infecting the air particles Iraqis breathe and heavy
bombing of infrastructure to smash a society and render the people
helpless before their dictator is the manner in which the Washington
military-oil-complex softened up Iraq. The U.S. war machine targeted
electrical grids, sewage systems and water-treatment/sanitation
facilities with bombing and combined this destruction of life support
systems with sanctions to deny necessary materials to fix the destroyed
national infrastructure, which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of
thousands of people through disease. It was part of a deliberate
disintegration of Iraqi society to weaken the people of this land for
Anglo-North-American control of the vast petroleum reserves in the
Persian Gulf.
excuse for this aggression against the people of Iraq, to punish the
dictator Saddam Hussein for invading Kuwait, obscures the fact that this
act of aggression stemmed from Kuwait’s slant drilling into Iraqi oil
fields and simultaneous refusal to relieve Iraq’s war debt, incurred
from the Iran-Iraq war, that prevented Hussein from embarking upon
re-industrialization/post-war reconstruction programs in this nation.
U.S. government mass murders civilians for war profit. It does it with
calculated ease. Rather than seeking revenge for beheadings of U.S.
journalists, Americans supporting a renewed U.S. bombardment of Iraq
need to look at the fact that the U.S. arranged for the training of ISIS
in Jordan and that this group has nefarious connections to NATO allies
Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who openly funded the ISIS as part of the proxy
genocidal destabilization against Syria.
us also look at the anger that is resultant from the U.S. bombing,
occupation, torture and murder of innocent Iraqi civilians beginning in
2003 that was part a shock and awe invasion/ counterinsurgency operation
to build military bases in Iraq and have a foothold in the Persian Gulf
to control Middle East oil. Why is the main focus in the mainstream
media on Putin’s so called “invasion” of Crimea or his alleged
deployment of troops into Eastern Ukraine rather than placing in the
proper context the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) U.S.
invasion of Iraq which, three years after commencing, is doing far more
damage in terms of loss of human life with its blowback effects of the
Saudi/Qatar/NATO backed ISIS beheading of civilians and shooting up Iraq
out of anger for American atrocities from 2003-2011. Is this not far
worse than anything Putin could ever do? Since the proper context of the
ISIS beheadings is not presented in the controlled mass media, the
blowback from this outright imperial slaughter-occupation that has
enflamed fundamentalists throughout the region, who want to get even
with Americans whose governing officials have ruthlessly and liberally
applied counter-insurgency death squads in their nations, is not
reflected upon by the American people. U.S. jets to re-bomb the area as a
form of retaliation is only causing further hatred of American foreign
U.S.-backed government in Kiev engaging in a brutal coup-de-taut,
backed through the National Endowment for Democracy and the U.S. State
Department/European Union is also causing massive civilian casualties as
these monsters bomb women, children and babies from airplanes in
Eastern Ukraine cities such as Lugansk and Gorlovka and massacre
civilians in Odessa. ISIS draws its weapons and funding from the U.S.
Pentagon—accident or not, and they receive funding from NATO
Allies-Saudi Arabia-Qatar. They commit rabid atrocities against civilian
journalists as an act of retaliation against the European and North
American colonial imperialist policies that are responsible for the
destruction of the region but have also been funded by Arabian oil
monarchy controlled governments who are NATO members cooperating as
partners in this resource control project through their collaboration
with the CIA and alliance with NATO in funding proxy guerilla death
U.S. 2015 discretionary spending budget of $1.16 trillion will
appropriate approximately $640 billion or 55.2 percent of the entire
discretionary budget on military spending compared to other expenses
such as Food and Agriculture, Transportation, Science, International
Affairs, Energy and Environment, Social Security, Unemployment and
Labor, Medicare and Health, Housing and Community, Government, Veterans
Affairs Benefits and Education. This gross appropriation on war and
death only benefits a select few at the top of the income stratification
and is squandering away the wealth of the working people on needless
death and slaughter to continue the Pentagon strategic control of oil
resources throughout the world.
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