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Sunday, September 7, 2014

UH-OH TIME: Xtians in Lebanon Prepare for Invasion by the Islamic State (ISIS)

UH-OH TIME: Xtians in Lebanon Prepare for Invasion by the Islamic State (ISIS)

While the world is convulsing in jihad wars and religious minorities flee from invading Muslim savages, Obama is busying himself with teaching us what Islam is really, really all about.

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The Islamic State has beheaded Lebanese soldiers. The Christians know what’s about to come. They are arming themselves. Already the black flag of jihad is is hung from street posts and across storefronts in Tripoli, Lebanon.
The ISIS-affiliated insignia is increasingly appearing outside some shops around Tripoli and is being donned by protesters at Islamist rallies in the city, a potential signal of the radical group’s growing reach and level of support in Lebanon’s second-biggest city. Others, however, insist it is merely a symbol of Sunni unity and pride.

This past week, two separate ISIS messages appeared on Christian churches in Tripoli. “The Islamic State will break the cross” was spray painted on the Mar Elias Church in Minieh. Another person spray painted “We came to slaughter you, you worshipers of the cross” on the March Elias Church in Mina.
Under Obama, countries are falling like dominoes to the most vicious, savage ideology on the face of the earth. It is growing and it is only going to get worse. The world under Bush was far safer and more stable. Just six years under this  destroyer and the world is a vastly different and more dangerous place.
Christians are being crucified, beheaded subjugated and forced to convert to Islam. And Shia Muslims who are considered heretics by Sunnis face slaughter as well. Sunnis and Shias are mortal enemies. Each consider the other not to be true Muslims. More on that here.
Hezb’Allah is Shia. And we have seen what the Islamic State will do to the Shia. Mass executions. So Hezb’Allah better redirect their war efforts away from Israel, because what they’ve always wanted to do to the Jewish State is about happen to them. Karma is a bee-yatch.

“Christians in Lebanon Prepare for Invasion by ISIS, Islamic State,”   

Lebanese Christians are taking precautions as the Islamic State (ISIS) continues to terrorize Iraq and Syria. Men grabbed weapons and set out for the hills to prepare for an eventual attack by the terrorist group.

“We all know that if they come, they will slit our throats for no reason,” said one resident.

It is the first time civilians have picked up weapons in the nation since the end of the Lebanon civil war. The majority of these weapons come from communist militias and Hezbollah, the Associated Press notes, but Christians say they do not care if the weapons raise tensions in the country. They believe the threat is real and need to rely on self-defense.

Samir Geagea, a Lebanese politician running for president, spoke out against ISIS and urged everyone in Lebanon to unite.

“ISIS is a cancerous tumor that surfaced at first in parts of Iraq and Syria and it’s still contained to a certain point and this can be removed only if we join our efforts via an international Arab alliance,” he said. “If they’re trying to intimidate us then do not fear them. … Those who faced major challenges and the likes of ISIS throughout history should not fear those today.”

ISIS does not have a strong presence in Lebanon, but the terrorist group pops up around the country. They attacked Arsal in August. It is a border town with 40,000 residents, but is also a city for Syrians who fled their civil war. The United Nations said over 1.1 million people registered as refugees in Arsal. One man said shelling burned down one refugee camp. The Lebanese Army fought off the terrorists, but ISIS managed to escape with Lebanon weapons and vehicles.

In Tripoli, Lebanon’s second-largest city, two black ISIS flags appeared in shops. From Lebanon’s The Daily Star:

While the first Islamist flag, or al-raya, is a ubiquitous sight in Tripoli – where it is hung from street posts and across storefronts to show piety and Sunni pride – the second is far less common.

Yet the ISIS-affiliated insignia is increasingly appearing outside some shops around Tripoli and is being donned by protesters at Islamist rallies in the city, a potential signal of the radical group’s growing reach and level of support in Lebanon’s second-biggest city. Others, however, insist it is merely a symbol of Sunni unity and pride.

This past week, two separate ISIS messages appeared on Christian churches in Tripoli. “The Islamic State will break the cross” was spray painted on the Mar Elias Church in Minieh. Another person spray painted “We came to slaughter you, you worshipers of the cross” on the March Elias Church in Mina.

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