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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Democrats Fed Up With Obama's Inept, Embarrassing White House

According to one Democrat strategist quoted in this report, "The ineptitude of the White House political operation has sunk from annoying to embarrassing." And they're far from alone in the growing criticism of Obama's White House.


Most know of Michelle Obama's now infamous gaffe with regard to the name of Iowa Dempocrat and Senate candidate, Bruce Braley. She repeatedly referred to him as "Bruce Bailey" while stumping for him. But that incident didn't end there. The White House press office didn't even seem to know for which office he is running.
The relationship between the White House and Senate Democrats hit a new low Tuesday evening after the administration's press office released a transcript of first lady Michelle Obama's appearance in Iowa on behalf of Democratic Senate candidate Bruce Braley. The problem: The subject line of the e-mail referred to Braley as the "Democratic candidate for governor."
Plus, there's now more than Barack Obama's current unpopularity for this.
President Obama hasn't been invited to campaign in any battleground Senate races, with the exception of Michigan, where Democrats have long held a comfortable lead. Instead, he's spent most of his time headlining fundraisers for the Democratic campaign committees.
Between insisting he and his policies are on the ballot in November even as his fellow Democrats try to distance themselves from him - and also recently saying how they all have consistently supported him, in essence, despite the campaign rhetoric, it may not be longer before Democrats are the ones calling for Obama's impeachment in an effort to save their own skins come November.

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