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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Eric Holder: 'Investigation into the Shooting of Michael Brown Remains Ongoing'

Eric Holder: 'Investigation into the Shooting of Michael Brown Remains Ongoing'

Attorney General Eric Holder asserted that the Justice Department was not finished with the shooting of Michael Brown, after the grand jury in Ferguson did not indict Officer Darren Wilson.

“While the grand jury proceeding in St. Louis County has concluded, the Justice Department’s investigation into the shooting of Michael Brown remains ongoing,” he said in a statement. Holder added that the department would continue to “investigate allegations of unconstitutional policing patterns or practices by the Ferguson Police Department.”

Holder called for peace in the streets of Ferguson, but acknowledged the deep distrust of law enforcement officials in the black community.
“This incident has sparked a national conversation about the need to ensure confidence between law enforcement and the communities they protect and serve. While constructive efforts are underway in Ferguson and communities nationwide, far more must be done to create enduring trust,” he said.
Holder called for protesters to remain peaceful, even though they were angry at the verdict.
“Though there will be disagreement with the grand jury’s decision not to indict, this feeling should not lead to violence,” he said.
He also called for police forces to show restraint in their policing of the community throughout the night.
“In the coming days, it will likewise be important for local law enforcement authorities to respect the rights of demonstrators and deescalate tensions by avoiding excessive displays—and uses—of force,” he said.

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