Border Patrol Destroys Inhumane Illegal Alien Camp On Texas Border
EDINBURG, Texas – Human traffickers looking to get around authorities often subject illegal aliens to the most inhuman conditions. Border Patrol agents near the Texas Border are working to stop that.
By working with property owners in rural areas, agents have been able to demolish structures or tents that human smugglers use to hide illegal aliens as they wait to move them north.The U.S. Border Patrol gave Breitbart Texas access to a makeshift camp where just two weeks ago authorities caught 21 illegal aliens. Poorly set up tents, trash everywhere, human waste and no protection from the elements were the conditions that illegal aliens were subjected to.
While authorities have come across an increasing number of stash houses along the Texas border, criminal organizations have sought out other ways to hide their human cargo. One of those ways is to simply ferry out the aliens to remote rural areas where the illegal aliens are forced to sleep in makeshift tents fully exposed to the elements such as the location that Breitbart Texas visited.
Border Patrol spokesman Joe Gutierrez told Breitbart Texas that the conditions are all too common as agents routinely find illegal aliens in deplorable conditions.
“That is why we are working with property owners to remove these places sadly enough criminal organizations will use any means available to get around authorities and this is what they subject their victims to,” Gutierrez. “This is a victory for us because it takes away one location that we know they have used in the past.”
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