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Thursday, December 4, 2014

Boyce Watkins: If America Turns a Blind Eye, We Will Have a Race War

Boyce Watkins: If America Turns a Blind Eye, We Will Have a Race War

Breitbart Non-Syndicated

Wednesday on CNN's "Newsroom," in reacting to the breaking news that a grand jury did not indict the NYPD Officer involved in the chokehold death of Eric Garner, Your Black World's Boyce Watkins said if America "continue to turn a blind eye to these homicides," we will have a "race war on your hands."


Watkins said, "The anger and the outrage that I'm seeing everywhere just imagine how Americans felt right after 9/11. Think about this, somebody's killing your children, what parent and what human being is not going to react emotionally when they know they can't send their child to skittels and iced tea without a possibility that they'll come back dead. That is a serious reality for so many black families in America. I will say this, that the good cops that are out there they want to deal with this problem as much as the rest of us do because we don't want to live in a society wre everyone is afraid of the police, where everyone hates the police and black kids think all police are bad. If you continue to turn a blind eye to these homicides and then you will have what actually can become a race war on your hands. We've got to be very, very careful."

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