Dick Cheney wasn’t the only one who took to TV over the weekend with an impassioned defense of CIA “enhanced interrogation techniques” in the post 9/11 atmosphere of fear and apprehension about terrorist attacks on America.
On her Fox News show, Judge Jeanine Pirro cut loose with both barrels in her condemnation of the Senate Intelligence Committee report just released by Sen. Dianne Feinstein and her fellow Democrats.

Judge Jeanine blasted the Feinstein-led committee for its “obvious political gamesmanship,” taking angry aim directly at the California Democrat:
These are our enemies. Their mission is to kill us. So while their Allah says, ‘Kill the infidel,’ you and your Senate Democrats say we need to be kinder and gentler to them.
While Judge Jeanine issued her hard-hitting attack on what she called the “dangerous” actions of Feinstein and the other “apologists” in the Senate, former Vice President Cheney continued his fierce defense of harsh CIA interrogation tactics, saying flatly that he “would do it again in a minute” because the techniques worked in our obtaining actionable intel.
Appearing on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Cheney pushed back hard against critics of the CIA’s actions:
“Torture is what the al Qaeda terrorists did to 3,000 Americans on 9/11,” Cheney said on NBC’s Meet The Press. “There is no comparison between that and what we did with respect to enhanced interrogation.”
By clicking on the video above, you can see Judge Jeanine Pirro’s no-nonsense defense of the CIA interrogators, saying “they have the high moral ground.”