Even President
Obama, it seems, feels that acting like an emperor is okay and America’s
despotic leader has even begun taunting the opposition, daring them to
undo his extralegal maneuver.
a townhall meeting in Nashville, Obama admitted to a crowd that his
executive action could be undone fairly easily with the next president
simply undoing the imperial edict proclaimed by Obama. However, Obama
maintained that future presidents would not dare to undo his
“It’s true a future administration might try to reverse some of our policies. But I’ll be honest with you — the American people basically have a good heart and want to treat people fairly and every survey shows that if, in fact, somebody has come out and subjected themselves to a background check, registered, paid their taxes, the American people support allowing them to stay. So any future administration that tried to punish people for doing the right thing, I think, would not have the support of the American people. It’s true, theoretically, a future administration could do something that I think would be very damaging. It’s not likely, politically, that they reverse everything we’ve done.”
is truly amazing that at a time of such lawlessness and chaos, at a
time when the American people have desperately tried to swing the
political pendulum back to the right by delivering a crushing defeat to
Democrats in the midterms, the president still has the audacity to
lecture America about the rule of law and the necessity of doing what is
in the interests of the American people.
have remained justifiable outraged over the recent imperial action, but
House leadership has refused to play hardball with Obama on the issue.
While principled Tea Party leaders call for a withholding of funds for
Obama to implement his expansion of executive amnesty, moderate
Republicans have blinked on the spending showdown and punted to deal
with the issue next year by funding a government that includes money
spent on amnesty.
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