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Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015 Forecast-Manipulation, Depression and War-Gerald Celente

2015 Forecast-Manipulation, Depression and War-Gerald Celente

By Greg Hunter’s  (Early Sunday Release)
Trends researcher Gerald Celente predicts one of his top trends in 2015 will be manipulation–of everything.  Celente explains, “It’s the grand manipulation of the markets and the news, and it just keeps spreading.  There is manipulation of the gold markets, and we know there is manipulation in the Forex market; we are not making this up.  We are talking about $5.3 trillion a day.  The markets are rigged.  Kramer came out and said the stock market was rigged.  We know that the LIBOR market is rigged.  That’s the interest rate market. . . . This is not a conspiracy theory.  Banks have been fined for “misdeeds.”  Misdeeds?  They are rigging the show and no heads roll.  The whole market, the news, the information is all one rigged game.” 

Celente goes on to say, “In our business, trend forecasting is based on the understanding that current events form future trends.  So, we take the information we have and analyze it and see how it will play out and what the implications will be.  It’s becoming more and more difficult because we’re getting phony information continually.  So, whether it has to do with geopolitics, economics or whatever it is, they are cooking the books and spinning lies.  So, it is harder and harder to see where some of these things are going. . . . We don’t have capitalism any more.  The merger of state and corporate powers is called fascism, and when you are looking at the rigging of the game, it’s called bankism. . . . This thing should have collapsed a long time ago, but they keep making up new rules and a new game.  This is nothing more than a central bank confidence game, and you can tie it all back to bankism.”
How long can it go on?  Celente says, “All it takes is a shock wave to end the game.  You don’t know where it’s going to come from, but the stage is being set for a shock wave. . . . On one end, they can keep the interest rates low.  On another end, they can even invent another quantitative easing (money printing) scheme.  But on the bigger end, you have volatility in the world commodity markets and geopolitics that could end this scam in a second. . . . All the pieces keep adding up into a very serious economic and geopolitical game changer for 2015.”
On war, Celente says, “It’s getting so easy to take the people to war. . . . Hatred is very easy to build between and among nations.  So, I believe as these economic house of cards continue to collapse, they will get the people’s mind off it in a snap by getting us into more war.  As I say, when all else fails, they take you to war because you can see the path.  Go back to the crash of 1929:  recession, depression, currency war, trade war then world war.  Sound familiar?”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with the Publisher of the Trends Journal, Gerald Celente, as he gives his 2015 forecast.

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