Latin America And The USA: Creating More Win-Win Relationships – by Alejandro Chafuen

a Latin American country shares a headline with the U.S., it is usually
attached to a crisis. The flow of illegal immigrants coming from Mexico
and the unaccompanied children from troubled Honduras arriving to stay;
the Argentine government defying therulings of U.S. judges;
or the anti U.S. rhetoric and actions from countries that are admirers
of Cuban socialism. The saying “no news is good news” could be
complemented by saying, “good news is not news.” American audiences
rarely hear about good news coming from the region. This includes honest
discussions on why the U.S. government, as well as private actors,
should play a more intelligent and active role in the region.
Latin America continues
to be key to the United States. U.S. producers export three times more
to Latin America than to China. Central and South America (excluding
Mexico) purchase 50 percent more U.S. goods than the Chinese. In total
trade, imports plus exports, if we include Mexico, Latin American weight
has hovered between 20 and 25 percent of total U.S. trade.
Approximately 20 percent of foreign direct investment in the region
still comes from the U.S. Investments and trade that result from free
interaction are the best type of win-win relationship.
Despite these trade figures, Latin American civil society and policy
leaders are realizing that now, more than any time in recent history,
they are “on their own.” The United States is seen as less influential.
This is due in part because the U.S. is occupied in major geostrategic
challenges in other regions of the world. The threats in North Africa,
the Middle East, Ukraine and the China seas, are seen as more dangerous
than those in Latin America.The economic challenges at home, which also seem worse than in Latin America, also contribute to some neglect. The government debt/GDP ratio in Latin America is less than half of that of the United States (nearly 100 percent). Part of the reason is that some countries, such as Argentina and Venezuela, have such bad credit ratings that no one wants to lend to them. Better managed economies, such as Chile, Colombia and Peru, have debt/GDP ratios of under 32 percent. The region is growing at twice the rate of the U.S. and, except for a few exceptions, such as Argentina and Venezuela, inflation is under control in most countries.
The biggest threat, however, is the weak rule
of law and efforts by many Latin American governments to achieve
absolute power by controlling all the key local institutions. In the World Justice Indexonly
Chile and Uruguay have decent scores. But there are limits to what the
U.S. or other foreign players can do to improve this. Direct foreign
intervention in the troubled countries can create backlash. The U.S. has
important tools such as denying visas to corrupt leaders and their
cronies, prosecuting foreigners who conduct illegal activities through
American-based banks and companies, and also punishing corrupt
companies. Other foreign countries have the same powers, but they seldom
exercise them. The United States is more aggressive than other
countries and its Foreign Corrupt Practices Actis a tool that few other U.S. competitors have. American companies are kept more pure but tend to lose in corrupt environments.
Speaking in terms of GDP, half of the region’s population is represented by Mexico and
Brazil. The U.S. can’t neglect them but neither can they monopolize the
attention. Both have characteristics which prevent them from being
models for the region as a whole. Due to Mexico’s closeness to the
United States, former Mexican President Porfirio Díazremarked
once, “Poor Mexico, so far from God but so close to the United States.”
It is not my business to know about how close they are to God, but
Mexico’s closeness to the U.S. is of major relevance. Even the current
openness to a private sector role in the energy sector, previously
considered taboo, is due mostly to shale-oil discoveries and
improvements in fracking technology in the U.S., rather than to any
ideological change in Mexico.
Brazil, with its different language and different history, has found
limits in its efforts to play a role beyond its borders. Just recall its
dismal failure in trying to intervene in tiny Honduras in favor of the
installment of another “democratic” dictatorship.
Not everyone in the U.S. neglects Latin America. Some of the
free-market think tanks and foundations which have programs or experts
focused on the region include: Cato Institute, Heritage, The Fund for American Studies, The Leadership Institute, Hudson, HACER, AEI,Acton Institute, Liberty Fund and the Atlas Network.
These last two lead in grants and programs but I estimate that the
combined spending of all these groups in the region is only $5 million
per year. This is a tiny fraction of their combined $200 million plus
budgets. Foundations and think tanks funded directly or indirectly
largely by the government, such as the National Endowment for Democracy, and the International Republican Institute, each spend over $5 million per year, while the Center for International Private Enterprisespends approximately $1 million.The perceived regional weakness of the U.S., the growing relevance of China, the cyclical role of Brazil, whose influence correlates with its rate of economic growth, and the stagnation of Europe, are forcing Latin American countries to restructure their diplomatic and international economic relationships. This might not coincide with U.S. interests. The efforts by U.S. think tanks and foundations that promote the free society in Latin America might not be able to completely reverse this trend, and the region will still be “on its own.” But by supporting groups with local credibility, that can leverage their typical small grants, think tanks and foundations can create changes that lead to a future with more win-win relationships with the U.S.; relationships built on freedom and respect rather than on dominance or cronyism.
* Alejandro Antonio (Alex) Chafuen, Ph.D., has been president of Atlas Economic Research Foundation since 1991. A member of the board of advisors to The Center for Vision & Values and a trustee of Grove City College, he is also the president and founder of the Hispanic American Center of Economic Research. Dr. Chafuen serves on several boards including the Chase Foundation of Virginia, the Acton Institute, the Fraser Institute (Canada), and is an Active Honorary Member of the John Templeton Foundation.
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