It’s always awkward when you murder a prosecutor, fake his suicide, just before he was supposed to testify, and not only did he back up the data, but you didn’t even bother putting his hands on the gun to leave gunpowder residue.
No wonder President Kirchner’s government is going bankrupt. It’s not only evil. It’s also incompetent.
Just days before Argentine prosecutor Alberto Nisman was found dead in his Buenos Aires apartment on Jan. 19, 2015, he took measures to make sure his research into the Jewish Center bombing and high-level conspiracy didn’t disappear with him, according to a Makor Rishon report.
Nisman sent an email to three friends with a backup of his research and report.Kirchner has admitted that Nisman clearly didn’t commit suicide and is using the Venezuelan excuse of blaming people trying to make her look bad.
It was the last email that Israeli-Argentine writer and educator, Gustavo Daniel Perednik, received from Nisman. A few days later Nisman was found with a bullet in his head.
A month before, Perednik met with Nisman in a cafe, where Nisman told him about what he was working on. Nisman told Perednik, “In case someone murders me, all the data is saved.”
The emails were sent from Nisman’s private, secure account in the prosecutor’s office.
Another recipient is believed to be Jaime Stiusso, Argentina’s former chief of counterintelligence, who was fired last year by Argentine President Cristina Kirchner.
President Christina Fernandez de Kirchner immediately declared that Nisman committed suicide but reversed herself Thursday, in the face of evidence to the contrary, as well as nationwide anger at Nisman’s death.Right. All the information about the Kirchner/Timerman conspiracy culminating in a faked suicide is really a conspiracy against the duo.
Nisman’s investigation focused on the 1994 bombing of the Argentine Israelite Mutual Association (AIMA).
His report accused President Kirchner of “deciding, negotiating and arranging the impunity of the Iranian fugitives in the AMIA case.” She and Foreign Minister Hector Timerman allegedly “took the criminal decision of inventing Iran’s innocence to satisfy commercial, political and geopolitical interests of the Argentine republic.”
These officials planned to get Iran off the hook in return for oil and weapons, while imaginary suspects would be fingered for the bombing,
Nisman also charged Minister Timerman with obstructing justice and had prepared to ask that his assets, worth $23 million, be frozen.
Kirchner, after flip-flopping on the suicide theory, is now trying to convince the public that Nisman was duped by people whom he wrongfully thought were intelligence agents and who gave him false information.
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