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Monday, January 19, 2015

Paris: City of Darkness

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Had the French government adopted a consistent policy of protecting the freedom of speech, nothing like today’s attack on the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, would ever have occurred. Muslims and Islam would not be so visible in France had the government also put out the unwelcome mat to Muslim “refugees,” as most European and American governments have. With the Muslim “refugees” and “asylum seekers” came Islam, on one hand, the cruddiest “religion” on the face of the earth, and, on the other, a totalitarian system of slavery and submission, applicable to Muslims and infidels alike.

To British Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey is attributed the memorable line, “The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our life-time,” at the onset of World War I. The lamps have been going out in Europe for decades as the invitation to invade (aka, “immigrate”) was broadcast by European governments to any and all Muslims who sought refuge or asylum from living under their own creed in various pest holes in the Middle East and Africa.
These hordes came expecting to abide by their decrepit creed and also benefit from the various European welfare systems and a higher standard of living. And they came expecting the host countries (think of all European Muslim populations as parasites thriving off their hosts) to submit and defer to Islam in all cases and instances, from food served in restaurants and schools to public dress to Christmas decorations.
Dutch politician and champion of freedom of speech Geert Wilders paraphrased Grey in a speech before his 2011 trial for violating Dutch “hate speech” laws.
The lights are going out all over Europe. All over the continent where our culture flourished and where man created freedom, prosperity and civilization. Everywhere the foundation of the West is under attack….
The lights are going out all over Europe. Anyone who thinks or speaks individually is at risk. Freedom loving citizens who criticize islam, or even merely suggest that there is a relationship between islam and crime or honour killing, must suffer and are threatened or criminalized. Those who speak the truth are in danger….
France has banned the burqa in public, and intervened militarily in Mali, but its overall stance against the depredations of Islam has been haphazard, piecemeal and ineffective. Regardless of the kneejerk actions taken by the French government, Paris’s lights have been dimming steadily over the course of generations (you can thank Existentialist thinkers like Jean-Paul Sartre for setting the moral and intellectual tone). So have the lights in every European nation been dimming. The country that tolerates the burning of nearly 1,000 cars every New Year’s Eve is not a country that has much of a future. Its anemic, desultory policies to combat the Islamization of France are pathetic.
The latest reports from Paris puts the murder toll at twelve people in the offices of Charlie Hebdo when two masked gunmen, shouting the usual Islam war cries (equivalent to “Allah is the greatest murderer” and” We have revenged the egg on the Prophet’s face and mangy beard (bpbuh!)” invaded the building with Russian Kalashnikov machine guns and gunned down whoever was present. It is reported that Charlie Hebdo and his policeman bodyguard were among the casualties, in addition to the magazine’s principal cartoonists.
I’ve written three books that do not so much satirize Islam as treat it as a serious peril: two are novels and one is a chronology and critique of Islam. These are to be taken with far more greater gravity than cartoons that mock Muslims, Allah, and Muslims. These and other books by Robert Spencer (e.g., Did Muhammad Exist?) and other authorities on Islam are on the market and being read in the thousands of copies.
The citizens of Europe, especially in Germany, are finally revolting against the conquest of their countries by Islam the occupying forces of Muslims. And German citizens have been vilified by their own government in the person of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. The London Telegraph, reporting on her New Year’s Eve address to the nation, wrote:
Speaking to those considering joining the protests, she said: “Do not follow those who have called the rallies. Because all too often they have prejudice, coldness, even hatred in their hearts.”
She also condemned the movement’s co-opting of the “We are the people” slogan used in the rallies that led up to the fall of the Berlin Wall 25 years ago.
“Today many people are again shouting on Mondays: ‘We are the people’. But in fact they mean: ‘You do not belong – because of the colour of your skin or your religion’,” she said.
Perhaps “they” do not “belong.” After all, it is Muslims who single out their victims for robbery, rape, and “lone wolf” attacks by skin color and religion. So, who are the real haters, the prejudiced, and the “cold”? Remember that Merkel stated publicly not so long ago (in 2010) that “multiculturalism” had “utterly failed” in Germany. What’s changed her mind? Is it a brown funk that requires her to stand up for her country? But, who knows what mental contortions go through the minds of appeasers?
It has failed in every European country Muslims have infested. “Multiculturalism,” vis-à-vis Islam, can only devolve into Islamic “uniculturalism,” that of Islam. Islam is not an ideology that can compromise on “culture.” It is all, or it is nothing.
Again, all the news reports refer to Islamic “extremists” as responsible for the attack on Hebdo. But Islam in all its manifestations is nothing if not “extremist.” That’s all it can be, whether it’s your mild-mannered next door neighbor going into “road rage” mode in his car to run down Jews and other infidels, taking a knife or a machete to your other next door neighbor’s neck, or “wilding” gangs that rape and kill infidels. Trained jihadist killers are not suffering from a “mental illness,” at least not from the clinically defined kind. Muslims all “suffer” from the mental illness of Islam. “Mental illness” is the latest panacea excuse that saves governments and journalists from identifying the root cause of Islamic terrorism.
Westerners have a right to mock, defame, and deny Islam and its rapacious, looting, murderous Icon, Mohammad, any protection from slander, and should demand that their governments protect that right. The future of the West should not belong to those who would destroy it, or who abet and encourage its destruction, such as President Barack Obama, the State Department, and the Mainstream Media.
In the meantime, Paris, once known at the City of Lights, the has grown darker with the attack on Charlie Hebdo, and with the death of its moving spirit at the hands of those whose only skill is extinguishing light…and life.

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