anyone had any doubt how severely the global economy has been distorted
by the actions of central bankers, the “surprise” announcement last
week by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) to no longer peg the Swiss franc
to the euro should provide a moment of crystal clarity. The decision
sent the franc up almost 30% in intraday trading, a scale of movement
that is unprecedented for a major currency in the modern era. Although
very few in the media or on Wall Street fully understand the
ramifications, the situation that forced the Swiss to abandon the peg
will soon be faced by bankers of much larger countries in the coming
years, the implications of which can have more profound implications for
global financial markets.
Other than the immediate
fluctuations in exchange rates, the primary reaction to the Swiss move
has been indignation. The airwaves have been awash with officials and
investors who have felt betrayed by an irresponsible bank that has not
only squandered its own credibility but has also damaged the reputation
of all central banks. Despite the complaints of now-ruined
foreign-exchange speculators, who believed recent statements from the
SNB that it would continue to enforce the peg, a blindsided policy
reversal was its only viable option. Any hint that the policy was about
to change, or could change, would have resulted in the same mass buying
of Swiss francs.
But the only thing the SNB did wrong (other than initiating the peg
in the first place) was to admit that the policy was unsustainable and
have the courage to reverse course. In so doing, they violated the first
rule of central banking, which appears to be: Never admit to making a
Although the move is not as dramatic a change as the recently defeated gold reserve referendum would have likely produced (see my prior commentary),
the abandonment of the peg makes Switzerland the first major economy to
surrender in the international currency war. It has decided not to race
to the bottom, and it has understood that a cheap currency does not
solve economic problems. The decision gives a long-delayed victory to
the Swiss people.
With a centuries-old legacy of economic independence, the Swiss
initially had the good sense to avoid joining the monetary quagmire that
became the Eurozone. But with the 2011 euro peg, the country de facto joined
the currency union. This tasked a country with a population of just
over 8 million people to support the euro, a falling currency used by
335 million people locked in a dysfunctional political union,
with governments that have been serially unable to deal with horrific
debt profiles. According to tradingeconomics.com,
2013 figures show Switzerland has a debt-to-GDP ratio of just 35.4%. In
contrast, the Eurozone has an extremely high ratio of 90.9%. Taking on
that kind of dead weight was a very big job for a very small country.
Predictably, the numbers
got very silly very fast. In 2009, Switzerland’s foreign exchange
was $92 billion (SNB Annual Report), representing just 17.5% of its
annual GDP. This was high by national standards, but well within the
range of most developed countries (The U.S. now has almost no foreign
exchange reserves – just .9% of GDP). But in order to maintain the peg, the SNB had to buy hundreds of billions of euros annually. Over
the past six years, the tab came to almost $10,000 per year per Swiss
citizen. These are enormous sums, even for a rich country. As a result,
by the end of 2013 Switzerland’s foreign exchange reserves had swelled
to $488 billion (SNB Monthly Statistical Bulletin, Dec. 2014) or 71% of
its annual GDP. This dwarfs the reserves-to-GDP levels held by the
globe’s two primary foreign exchange depositories, China (41.3%) and
Japan (24.4%).
In retrospect the task was absurd. It was like asking a 100 lb.
jockey to perpetually piggyback a 600 lb. sumo wrestler. But the real
problem came in recent months when the European Central Bank came closer
to announcing a program of quantitative easing, which would have
brought even more downward pressure on the euro, requiring the SNB to
pick up the buying pace even further. Asking the Swiss to shoulder the
QE burden was like asking the jockey to carry the Sumo wrestler into an
all-you-can-eat sushi bar. Given that grim reality, the SNB had no
choice but to lay down its burden.
Despite this prospect of an open-ended euro buying cul-de-sac,
mainstream economists have argued that the move will decimate
Switzerland’s finances and ruin its economy. They argue that by letting
the euro fall, the SNB will suffer immediate losses on the hundreds of
billions of euros it now holds in reserve. While this is true, it
ignores all the hundreds of billions, if not trillions, of francs that
the Swiss would have had to spend (to buy euros) in coming years to
maintain the peg. Modern economists believe that the money needed could
have been printed out of thin air with no cost to the Swiss economy. But
to believe that is to believe in fairy tales.
But when you look at it clearly, Japan, China, and many emerging economies find
themselves in roughly the same boat as Switzerland. They are
continually inflating their own foreign exchange reserves in order to
enforce an unofficial peg against the U.S. dollar. However, in no othercountry has
the relative scale of foreign exchange purchases been as dramatic as in
Switzerland. But if the Fed unexpectedly launches another round of QE,
which I believe it will, then the rest of the world will have to face
the same decision as Switzerland had; whether to continue to throw good
money after bad, or to cut and run and take the pain now.
still in shock by what they see in the rear view mirror had better
focus their attention on what lies ahead. To me, the mother of all pegs
is the one provided by China to the U.S. dollar. Both the yuan and the
Hong Kong dollar are pegged to the U.S. dollar, and China has spent far
more money than Switzerland defending its peg.
Should China pull the plug on the dollar, our economy has a much larger
drain to go down. The Europeans had only recently begun to rely on
Switzerland, yet America has been limping on China’s crutch for decades.
Since our reliance is much greater, so too is the potential impact once
it’s removed.
Another difference is
that while the Swiss are few in number relative to the population of the
Eurozone, per capita income in Switzerland is higher. In contrast,
China has a larger population than the United States, but its people
subsist on much lower incomes. So it’s not the rich subsidizing the less
well off, but the Chinese poor subsidizing America’s middle class. As a
result, the immediate gain to China and loss to America will be that
much greater than is the case with Switzerland and Europe.
In the future the Swiss
surrender may be looked at as the first significant counter-attack
against our current global system of monetary insanity. The mistake was
not ending this peg, but in adopting it in the first place. The Swiss
once again have a strong currency with expanded purchasing power. Yes,
Swiss exporters may lose market share to international rivals. But the
amount of Swiss francs they will actually earn from each unit sold will
likely increase. So the Swiss may be able to export less and still earn
the same money. In addition, the cost of imports will fall, allowing the
Swiss to buy more with less.
Contrary to the common
current belief, the goal of an economy is not to manufacture more
products for others to buy, but to be able to buy more products
yourself. In that respect, exports are merely the means to achieving
that end. The less you need to export to pay for your imports the
better. In other words, the goal of an economy is to consume, not to
work. If we could consume without working we would happily do so.
Working without consuming, not so much. In the past, the Swiss prospered
with one of the world’s strongest currencies. It will do so again.
Ironically, without the
support of the SNB in propping up the euro, full-blown European QE may
now be a more remote possibility, and a euro rally against the dollar
may not be too far off. Goldman Sachs noted the Swiss’ message is that
QE is going to be done and perhaps even larger than previously thought.
But, with tough love from Switzerland perhaps the European Union may
choose to consider real economic reforms rather than risk QE without a
Swiss safety net to catch the euro if it starts to tumble
uncontrollably. In fact, the forces now in motion, accelerated by the
SNB’s move, may push the Fed that much closer to launching QE4. Since
the “long dollar, short euro” trade is predicated on the expectation of
QE in Europe and rate hikes in the U.S., if we end up with QE4 in the
U.S. and no QE at all in Europe, the fireworks in the foreign exchange
market are just getting started.
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