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Thursday, January 1, 2015

Warning From New Zealand: How U.S. Marxists Use ‘Amnesty’ to Create a Socialist ‘One Party State’

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In all the debate about President Barack Obama‘s “Executive Amnesty” for illegal aliens, few have discussed the real reason for Obama’s move.
The president has risked huge “political capital” on a very risky and possibly illegal move, that he believes will define his Presidency and secure his legacy with his “Progressive” base.
Obama is simply after the votes. He believes that by legalizing eleven to twenty million “illegals” and eventually giving them the vote, he will turn America into a permanent Democratic Party “one party state.”

Furthermore, the President intends there to be no turning back. As a long time ally of the the Gramsci-loving Marxists of Democratic Socialists of America, Obama understands that his Democratic Party is now controlled by the unions and that the unions are controlled by DSA and other Marxist groups.
He knows there will be no “20 year window” for the Republicans to build their share of the Latino vote. He understands that if the Democrats win the next one or two Presidential elections, the left will use the power of the state to divide and smash their Republican, conservative and Evangelical Christian opposition – forever.
Obama understands, even if the leadership of the GOP doesn’t, that this is not the old Republican/Democrat turnabout game. This is much more like the Communist takeover of Czechoslovakia in 1948, or the socialization of Venezuela under Hugo Chavez. Obama and his Marxist allies are playing for keeps – and “Amnesty” is one of their main weapons.
Ruy Teixeira
Ruy Teixeira
Ruy Teixeira was a member of Democratic Socialists of America in Madison,  Wisconsin back in the 1980s.
He is now a Senior Fellow at the leftist Center for American Progress, as well as a Fellow of the New Politics Institute. He was recently a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution, where he co-directed a joint Brookings-American Enterprise Institute project on political demography and geography.
Teixeira’s book, The Emerging Democratic Majority, written with fellow Marxist John Judis (Scribner, 2002), was the most widely discussed political book of that year. Teixeira’s recent writings include “New Progressive America,” “The Decline of the White Working Class and the Rise of a Mass Upper Middle Class,” “The Politics of Definition” (with John Halpin) and “Back to the Future: The Emerging Democratic Majority Re-emerges” (with  Judis).
Despite the Democrat’s “shellacking” in the 2014 mid-terms, Teixeira recently told the Huffington Post that he is very confident that the Democrats can win the Presidency in 2016 and beyond:
Ruy Teixeira, a Democratic demographer, points to a group of states worth 242 electoral votes that the Democratic presidential nominee has won in every election since 1992. Hold them all, and the party is just 28 votes shy of the majority needed to win the White House next time.
Barack Obama twice compiled at least 332 electoral votes by adding wins in most every competitive state. He posted double-digit wins among women, huge margins among voters younger than 30 and historically high marks among blacks and Latinos.
As non-white voters continue to grow as a share of the electorate, a Democratic nominee that roughly holds Obama’s 2012 level of support across all demographic groups would win the national popular vote by about 6 percentage points and coast in the Electoral College, Teixeira estimates.
“Could a Republican win? Sure,” Teixeira said. “But they have to have a lot of different things happen.
Another DSA comrade has been even more explicit on the exploitation of immigrants and “illegals” in the pursuit of an unassailable Democratic majority.
Medina, Chicago DSA meeting 2004
Medina, Chicago DSA meeting 2004
Eliseo Medina was until recently the executive vice – president of the SEIU. After the AFL-CIO was conquered by DSA in 1994-96, he led the charge to get the unions to switch from an anti-“illegal” position to a pro-“Amnesty” policy. Many readers may remember when the unions were constantly calling for increased border security and were always lobbying Congress to increase penalties for businesses caught hiring “illegals.”
Medina speaking
Medina speaking
Why are unions now leading the charge to legalize the “illegals”? Because Eliseo Medina and his DSA comrades worked very hard to make it happen. It took 5 years of hard core lobbying and deal-making, but Medina eventually engineered the AFL-CIO’s policy shift from anti “illegal” to pro-“Amnesty”, which was ratified at the AFL-CIOs national convention in Louisiana 2000.
Before 1994, the AFL-CIO leadership actually cared about the interests of their membership. Now they’re happy to sell their own member’s jobs and conditions down the river. It’s all the about the Revolution comrades!
In recent years, Medina has become the undisputed and very well connected leader of the “Amnesty” movement.
In 2008, Medina was one of several Marxists serving on President Obama’s Latino Advisory Council. He has had ready access to the President ever since and was reportedly personally consulted by the President before Obama started his recent push for “Amnesty.”
In December 2013, when Medina and others fasted 22 days for “Amnesty” in the National Mall, the emaciated Marxist was honored by a personal visit from the President himself.
Obama, Medina, national mall, December 2013
Obama, Medina, National Mall, December 2013
But why does Medina do this? What is the goal?
Medina let the cat out of the bag At the ultra “Progressive” America’s Future Now! conference in Washington, DC on June 2, 2009, where he addressed attendees on the necessity of “comprehensive immigration reform” – the “Progressive’ code for “Amnesty.”
Speaking of Latino voters in the 2008 elections, Medina said “when they voted in November, they voted overwhelmingly for Progressive candidates. Barack Obama got two out of every three voters that showed up.”
So I think there’s two things that matter for the progressive community.
Number one, if we are to expand this electorate to win, the progressive community needs to solidly be on the side of immigrants, that we’ll expand and solidify the progressive coalition for the future…”
When you are in the middle of a fight for your life you will remember who was there with you. And immigrants count on progressives to be able to do that.
Number two.
“We reform the immigration laws, it puts 12 million people on the path to citizenship and eventually voters”. Can you imagine if we have, even the same ratio, two out of three?
If we have eight million new voters who care about …… and will be voting. We will be creating a governing coalition for the long term, not just for an election cycle…
As Medina is a Marxist and Marxists almost never give up power voluntarily, “a governing coalition for the long term” effectively means a permanent “one party state.”
If America is to survive as a free nation, several things must happen.
The Ted Cruz/patriotic wing of the Republican Party and grass-roots conservatives across the nation must fight every aspect of “Amnesty” tooth and nail until it is defeated. They must become the dominant faction inside the GOP – very quickly.
Existing immigration laws must be strongly enforced, the Southern border must be sealed and other points of entry more effectively policed. Imagine if most Latino “illegals” voted Republican? Obama would have fenced and patrolled the southern border in his first month of office! It can be done, it just takes political will and a ton of guts.
The 20 million plus conservative and Evangelical Christians who are not even registered to vote MUST be mobilized for the 2016 elections and beyond. Ted Cruz and his equally inspiring pastor father, Rafael Cruz, could do this. Pro-“Amnesty” Jeb Bush wouldn’t have a prayer. Neither will the GOP if he is their 2016 Presidential candidate.
Socialists Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren, the unions, the Marxists, Silicon Valley and the Chamber of Commerce/”cheap labor” wing of the Republican Party all want “Amnesty.” The country be damned.
Only the Ted Cruz wing of the GOP, the conservative “grass roots” leaders of “middle America” and the patriotic pastors, the “Black Robed Regiments,” can save the American Republic now.
If America goes down, every Western country will fall. There is nowhere left to run.
For all our sakes, America’s patriots better start working together and get more organized, pretty darned quick.
I for one, have faith that they can.

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