Over the weekend, four important elections occurred in the Western Hemisphere. Argentina and Guatemala held presidential elections; Colombia held local and municipal level elections. (Haiti also had an election, but the result will be unknown for several weeks.) For now, the results in Argentina, Guatemala, and Colombia raise key questions for the United States and the region at large.

On Sunday, Argentines rebuked their country’s socialist political establishment. Current governor of the Buenos Aires (BA) province and former vice president Daniel Scioli was expected to win by a landslide against opposition candidate Mauricio Maccri. By the time votes were tallied, Maccri’s 34.4 percent of the vote precluded any possibility of a first round victory against Scioli’s 36.9 percent. Further solidifying the anti-establishment fervor, Maccri’s reformist party mate was elected governor of the BA province, effectively ending almost three decades of Peronist rule and winning against the current president’s chief of staff.
For the first time in Argentina’s history, the presidential elections will be decided by a runoff—set to take place on November 22. Though the outcome is still unknown, Maccri’s high vote count clearly shows that Argentines are unhappy with the status quo. For over a decade, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner and her husband have ruled Argentina under their populist brand of politics dubbed “Kirchernism.” Argentina is now in default of its sovereign debt and has historically high levels of inflation at 40 percent, second in the region only to Venezuela.