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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Boehner: Impeachment Threats 'All A Scam'

Boehner: Impeachment Threats 'All A Scam'

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said he has no plans to impeach President Barack Obama and impeachment talk was nothing but a "scam" started by Democrats.

"We have no plans to impeach the president. We have no future plans," Boehner said at a Tuesday press conference. "It's all a scam started by Democrats in the White House."
White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer said last week that the Obama administration was concerned that Republicans would impeach him if he lawlessly enacted more executive actions. Democrat groups have been sending out "red alert" emails and raising money by bringing up impeachment.
“I saw a poll today that had a huge portion of the Republican Party base saying they supported impeaching the president. A lot of people in this town laugh that off. I would not discount that possibility,” Pfeiffer said at a Christian Science Monitor breakfast.

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) predicted on Breitbart News Saturday that the House would immediately start impeachment proceedings against Obama if he unilaterally granted work permits and temporary amnesty to up to eight million more illegal immigrant adults. He said that Republicans who are squeamish about impeachment would be "immediately activated" to move forward.
"From my standpoint, if the president [enacts more executive actions], we need to bring impeachment hearings immediately before the House of Representatives," King said. "That's my position and that's my prediction."
Obama's lawlessness on illegal immigration was the tipping point for former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to call for impeachment on the pages of Breitbart News. Palin said she did so because illegal immigration decimates working Americans of all backgrounds and races--including legal immigrants--who have played by the rules. She has emphasized that the Founders intended impeachment to be a check on a lawless executive and that more Americans would be in favor of it, especially if Obama enacts more executive amnesty, if they found out what "impeachable offenses" really entailed. National polls have found that a majority of Republicans--and a third of Americans--favor impeachment. A YouGov Poll even found that two-thirds of Republicans supported impeachment.
There are serious questions about what can be done if Obama unilaterally grants millions of more work permits--in contravention of U.S. law--to illegal immigrants. Legal experts and immigration officials from George W. Bush's administration have indicated that suing Obama--like Boehner did over Obamacare--will not work to remedy his lawlessness on immigration law.

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