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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wuinnipiac Poll: Obama 'Worst President' Since World War II

Wuinnipiac Poll: Obama 'Worst President' Since World War II

A terrible polling season just got humiliating for President Obama. On top of collapsing personal and job approval numbers, and a stunning loss in public confidence, a new Quinnipiac poll shows that the American people now see a president who rode into office on a wave of hope and change as the worst president since World War II. 


Adding insult to injury, in hindsight, only 38% of voters believe Obama is doing a better job than his 2012 Republican rival Mitt Romney would have. A plurality of 45% believe Romney would be doing a better job than Obama.
When asked who the worst president is since WWII, Barack Obama came in first with 33%. George W. Bush came in second with 28%.
Only 37% of voters believe Obama has been better for the economy than Bush. A slightly smaller number, 34%, believe Bush was better than Obama.
On the overall question of whether Obama has been a better president than Bush, Obama loses 39% to 40%.
These numbers are truly stunning when you realize that the media did everything in its power to destroy Bush, and has subsequently done everything in its power to protect, defend, and give Obama the benefit of the doubt
A full 54% of voters believe the Obama Administration is not competent at doing their primary job: running the government. Only 44% disagree.
On overall job approval, Obama is upside down by 13 points. Only 40% approve, while 53% disapprove. Since April, that's a 5 point shift in the wrong direction for the president.
On his handling of the economy, Obama is upside down a full 15 points, 40-55%.
On foreign policy, a bright spot for most of his presidency, Obama is in the negative a full 20 points, 37-57%.
Health care is almost as bad with only 40% approving, 58% disapproving.
The winner of America's best president since World War II is Ronald Reagan, who beat second and third place combined. A full 35% of voters chose Reagan. Bill Clinton and John Kennedy won 18% and 15%, respectively. Obama only received 8% in the best presidents poll.
With two years to go and the president reduced to joking about "crack" and taunting those he should be leading and working with to sue him, no one is optimistic Obama's numbers have any chance of getting any better.
Try to imagine what Obama's numbers would look like if the media was half as aggressive towards Obama as they were towards Bush and Reagan. There's no question a full and fair journalistic vetting of the IRS, Libya, Fast and Furious, the NSA, Solyndra, and the mishandling of the economy would drop Obama into the twenties.
But even with big shot media agenda-setters like Chuck Todd willing to embarrass himself in defense of the IRS, the American people are still seeing a naked Emperor, and in hindsight wishing they had not re-elected him.

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