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Friday, September 5, 2014

Allen West Got a New Tattoo That Sends a Very Powerful Message to Liberals

Allen West Got a New Tattoo That Sends a Very Powerful Message to Liberals

Ret. Army Col. Allen West is a favorite among conservatives due to his no-nonsense attitude and tell it like it is style, and now he’s got some new ink to back up his staunch conservative views.
The former member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida took a trip to Ace’s High tattoo shop in West Palm Beach on Thursday to have a popular phrase among Tea Party and other pro-gun groups permanently engrained into his arm, according to Broward/Palm Beach New Times.
The phrase?
“Molon Labe,” I’m sure you’ve heard it.
Allen West Got a New Tattoo That Sends a Very Powerful Message to Liberals
According to the Times:
It’s a Greek phrase well-known to Army folk. It means “come and take.” A classical expression of defiance, it’s what King Leonidas supposedly told Xerxes before the Battle of Thermopylae. The slogan, which was used during the Texas Revolution, is also popular among Second Amendment activists today.
Many in the pro-Second Amendment crowd have adopted the term in defiance of overly restrictive gun control laws as a means to say “come and take it” to government officials should they decide they want to confiscate guns. West having it tattooed on his arm is likely to send hoplophobic liberals through the roof since it sends a powerful message; he stands with true patriots and supports our Constitution.

The artist who tattooed West posted an image of himself standing with the retired colonel in the shop to Instagram where it received praise from other users.
“He’s awesome,” one commenter wrote.
“No f**king way he got molon labe?!” said another.
West came under fire for an incident in Iraq after he fired a gun near an Iraqi officer’s head to make a point and was hit with a $5,000 fine. But when questioned if he would have acted differently, the hardened veteran simply replied, “If it’s about the lives of my soldiers at stake, I’d go through hell with a gasoline can.”
Our nation could use a person like him in the White House.

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