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Thursday, September 4, 2014

What We Know About ISIS Movements Near West Virginia

What We Know About ISIS Movements Near West Virginia

The Fusion Intelligence Center in Charleston has been on top of classified information coming-in daily on ISIS it’s alarming to think, how close their activities might be to the Mountain State.

While they could not get into specifics about locations or how many people. The Fusion Center said ISIS is training and recruiting members here in the U.S. close enough to be concerned. They've monitored people with terrorist ties passing through here to get to wherever there is. And if you think Steven Sotloff is the last American to die, brace yourself.

"Our role is receiving information," said Director Thomas Kirk. Even before it's made public, the Fusion Center has access to classified info from all over the world.

And those two brutal killings, James Foley first and then Sotloff, are just the beginning Kirk said.

"Anything you can say, that struck you, now seeing this second video, compared to the first one, that you're allowed to say?,” we asked Kirk. “No,” replied Kirk with a smile, since all of the information is still classified. “So something did trip your trigger?," we asked.

Kirk could not reveal much, but said investigators are comparing the voices on the two ISIS execution videos as well as the scenery, the hand holding the knife, the eyes of the man wearing the black head covering.

"You're looking for things to authenticate what is the difference between this one and the last one," said Kirk. "The texture of the sand, the type of rocks, the way the wind blows, the garb that's being worn."

It took almost a day to authenticate the video was Sotloff, which was confirmed first thing Wednesday morning.

"Their horrific acts only unite us as a country and stiffen our resolve to take the fight against these terrorists," said President Obama, who vowed justice will be served, but offered few details as to just what he's prepared to do next.
And here at home, the Fusion Center had disturbing details on ISIS movements.

"There are areas in the United States that are not too far from here, that have very large populations that are being recruited for ISIS right now," said Kirk. "There are people associated with Al Quaida, there are people on the Terrorist Watch List, that do travel through West Virginia, whether it's through the airports or through the roads."

And as for those gruesome murders?

"I think it's going to continue to happen for a while,” said Kirk. “The beheadings?,” we asked. “Yessir,” he said. “Because of the shock, to us, it's about the most shocking thing you could ever see."

Kirk said we saw a similar pattern happen with Osama Bin Laden with the killings and the videos. But eventually, Bin Laden was done in. ISIS may be a little better organized than he was, but the tracking technology we have now is so much more sophisticated, ISIS leaders may have a harder time staying hidden for long.

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