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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Ted Cruz Might Just Have Won the Future for the GOP

Once denounced by McCain as ‘wacko birds’ hogging the spotlight, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul are soaring. Nick Gillespie on why Cruz’s faux filibuster has nothing to do with Obamacare—and everything to do with building a broad-based coalition.

Make no mistake about it: the on-going “extended speech” by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) has absolutely nothing to do with defunding the Affordable Care Act—or even delaying it for one goddamn day.

After speaking on the Senate floor concerning the Continuing Resolution battle, freshman republican Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) emerges through the Senate doors on September 23, 2013. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post)
As the long list of Senate Republicans who declined to back a full-blown, fill-your-hands-you-son-of-a-bitch filibuster over Obamacare could tell you, it’s a done deal that the president’s consistently unpopular health-care law is going forward even if the government shuts down. Come next week, the enrollment period is going to start, and come January 1, 2014, the plan will kick into gear despite every reason to believe it will be a clusterfudge of epic proportions.

So what exactly was Cruz doing up there, hogging the limelight on C-SPAN’s low-wattage webstream for a couple of hours, if he wasn’t serious about stopping Obamacare? He was playing his part in a pretty goddamned brilliant strategy to win the future not for himself but for the Republican Party.
Cruz and his fellow Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) are the best-known of the gaggle of legislators that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) denounced as “wacko birds” earlier this year. “It’s always the wacko birds on right and left that get the media megaphone,” sputtered McCain in the wake of Paul’s immensely popular and influential filibuster, which called much-needed attention to the Obama administration’s glib attitude toward civil liberties and executive branch overreach.
Watch highlights from Ted Cruz's epic 21-hour Senate speech, from his reading "Green Eggs and Ham" to his quoting "Duck Dynasty."
There’s every reason to believe that the future belongs to the wacko birds and their general, transpartisan message that government is too big and too powerful.
The wacko bird caucus overlaps pretty well with the Tea Party. Besides Cruz and Paul, it includes such characters as Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Reps. Justin Amash (R-MI) and Thomas Massie (R-KY). Despite meaningful differences among them, they all support cutting federal spending and taxes, and reducing regulations on business and other economic activities. Unlike many members of the GOP, they are critical of the national surveillance state and, at least in the cases of Paul and Amash, are principled non-interventionists who are quick to question the Pentagon budget.
At a time when a record high 60 percent of all Americans agree the federal government has “too much power,” the wacko birds are flying pretty high, especially when they attack their own party for its utter malfeasance during the Bush years. There’s every reason to believe that the future belongs to the wacko birds and their general, transpartisan message that government is too big and too powerful. The trend throughout the 21st century, reports Gallup, is increasing skepticism toward Washington, D.C. The trend is particularly pronounced among all-important independent voters, who make up a plurality of the electorate. In 2003, 45 percent of them thought the government was too powerful. Now it’s 65 percent. They will vote for candidates—and a party—pushing limiting government.
But Cruz and Paul are speaking to significantly different audiences, despite being wacko birds of a feather. As befits the son of former Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), who ran for president as a libertarian in 1988, Rand Paul is a consciously unconventional Republican who gained his Senate seat after beating Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate in the 2012 Kentucky primary.
Paul is consciously going wide in looking for the sorts of newer, younger voters his septuagenarian father cultivated during the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns. At the Conservative Political Action Convention (CPAC) in March, he rapped the GOP hard for having grown “stale and moss-covered” and demanded the party “embrace liberty in both the economic and the personal sphere.” Almost alone among national Republican figures, he’s making serious attempts to win over black voters and woo millennials. One of his stump-speech lines stresses that Republicans “need to be white, we need to be brown, we need to be black, we need to be with tattoos, without tattoos, with ponytails, without ponytails, with beards, without.”
In contrast to Paul—and despite his suspiciously ethnic surname and scandalously Canadian birth—Cruz is the favorite son of an older, whiter America. As Paul brings in fresh new blood to a broad, limited-government coalition, Cruz is locking down the tired old blood that realizes the John Boehners, Mitch McConnells, John McCains, and Lindsey Grahams of the world really don’t give a rat’s ass about them. Almost without exception, Cruz’s positions, including his “Potemkin battle” to stop Obamacare, mesh perfectly with what Slate’s David Weigel calls “Republican seats that are largely whiter and more rural than the rest of the country.”
Where Paul wears turtlenecks, sports weird hair, and talks about letting states decide their own laws on drugs and marriage, Cruz is rocking a retrograde, wet-look haircut and is unambiguously and unambivalently conservative on any social issue, including the phantom menace of Sharia law (“an enormous problem” in America, according to Cruz). You’d think Cruz’s Ivy League bona fides—undergrad at Princeton, law school at Harvard—would hurt his street cred with disgruntled flyover-country independents and Republicans, but he’s playing it perfectly. His diplomas certify that’s he’s just as “whip-smart” as President Obama even as he can testify from personal experience that Harvard Law is housing a dozen “Marxists who believed in the Communists overthrowing the United States government.”
Indeed, Cruz’s greatest political asset is the disgust he inspires in mainstream liberals. Every jab by Beltway Draco Malfoys such as The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank (who sniffs that Cruz is “an opportunist driven more by ambition than ideology”) and get-a-load-of-this eye-rolling by coastal elitists (Cruz was “creepy” as an undergrad and strolled around Princeton in a “paisley bathrobe”) make him more effective with his core audience. GQ readers may think Jason Zengerle’s well-wrought hatchet job has shown all the world what a pompous, humble-bragging jackass Cruz really is: he can’t stop namedropping! He’s got a self-aggrandizing portrait of himself in his Senate office! He insulted the venerable Sen. Dianne Feinstein! The “maverick” John McCain “fucking hates” him! But the GQ piece, like all liberal criticism of Cruz, and even vaguely contentious interviews with semi-conservative types such as Chris Wallace of Fox News, makes him a bigger hero to his fans.
The odds are that neither Paul nor Cruz will be president. It’s nothing against them; it’s just that the odds are stacked against any individual. But commentators who think these guys are in politics only for themselves are missing the energy that’s driving the wacko birds. Maybe, just maybe, they really do believe in shrinking the size, scope, and spending of the federal government. And maybe they realize that their vehicle of choice, the Republican Party, really does need to reach out to new swaths of the electorate while holding on to conservatives.
If that’s true, then between Paul and Cruz, they’re covering a lot of territory. For my money, the most interesting moment in Cruz’s interminable speech came when Paul, who refused to back a filibuster on defunding Obamacare, popped in to ask a question. It was like an old Chip and Dale routine from Looney Tunes, where the two excruciating chipmunks couldn’t stop complimenting each other. Would Cruz, Paul asked, ever compromise and vote for a budget that included funding for the Affordable Care Act?
Before getting to a long-winded, circuitous, and utterly predictable no, Cruz took a few minutes to talk about how Paul’s filibuster in March of CIA Director John Brennan’s nomination was historic and momentous. Cruz noted that the filibuster was the first time he ever spoke on the Senate floor and that it was among “the proudest moments of my life.”
Part of that is surely just the sort of flattery for which the Senate is nauseatingly well-known. But there’s no question that these two wacko birds, and the others in that small and growing nest, are pulling in the same direction even as they are courting different audiences. They’ve shown that they can work together, and they’ve shown that they’re not standard-issue Republicans but true believers in limited government. In a country where six of 10 voters already think the government is too big, the wacko bird caucus has got a lot of room to fly.
That Factcheck site and Snopes are stupid. Politicians HAVE applied for exemption because it would the plan would decrease the level of their health care. Look at the Federalist papers (57?) and it says that "they" cannot pass laws onto the people and then exempt themselves or friends from it. Do some research beyond those 2 sites and get some REAL facts.
Neither Cruz nor Paul will be able to attract significant minority support, so they have no chance in the general election.  Cruz' message is all about exclusion and non-compromise.  As smart as he is, he can't even comprehend the moral of Green Eggs & Ham which is "try something before rejecting it outright".  He may be trying to play a long game, but he ticked off a bunch of his followers today by voting for the first cloture after spending 21 hours saying not to.  A GOP strategist said a couple of days ago - if you're explaining, then you're losing.
ACA is law, affirmed by a conservative-leaning SCOTUS, and it's funded by mandatory spending.  It's here to stay.
Tracy Barringer Kinney from Facebook
BS....he stands for the American people over half of the country dosen't want Obamacare he is supporting the country. Obama is for Obama what he says goes and that is not a true American leader.....I pray that the Dem's will one day wake up get off the fool aid. If Obamacare does take place it will be just what Canada & others countries hate government healthcare it is a suicide no care! If its so good why do the Dem's , congress, Unions and Obama & his family want to be exempt from it????????
Chris Wade from Facebook
Actually, Republicans realize what the truth is.... that Obamacare is the worst thing to happen to health care since malpractice lawsuits started.
Johnny Mankins from Facebook
Hey Alan, I am not a republican...I am just a pragmatic observer. Whats wrong with personal responsibility? Whats wrong with a strong work ethic? Whats wrong with seeing your "American Dream" and going after it? Be responsible for yourself. If you need help, get it, but dont make a career out of it. Why dont you research the fall of Rome and then juxtapose it with how our great country. Do some research. Did you know that we are a constitutional republic? Most think we are some sort of socialistic nanny state. I agree, cut some military. We also need to cut entitlements as well as subsidies.
Kahne O'Banion from Facebook
You should try laughing at a liberal foaming at the mouth telling you they hope your kids die in the next mass shooting and then they get all up in your face with "violence" and you are the one laughing in their face.....PRICELESS. Liberals are miserable people who want everyone to equally miserable with them....laughter is their kryptonite.
Three things:
1/ The mutually-complimenting extra-polite rodents (after you; no, I insist, after you) in Loony Tunes were the Goofy Gophers. (Not Chip 'n' Dale, who were Disney characters, usu. pitted vs. Donald Duck.)
2/ The public says it wants more limited government.  But it actually wants all the benefits and protections that a modern full-service government provides.  Just like it hates Obamacare -- but loves all the provisions of it, when enumerated piece by piece. It is (and has always been) a mistake to assume that the electorate is logical.

3/ The crazier the wacko birds, the happier the DNC.  If allowed to drive, Cruz takes the GOP over the cliff.  (Call it "the dangers of Cruz control.")
Kahne O'Banion from Facebook
Dude, I have sent him money since he had 2% name recognition in Texas.....believe me, his PAC has been raising money since his primaries.....he didn't need to talk for 21 hours to get more money....
Jerry Mattern from Facebook
Bob huh what? I'm referring to them taking over the GOP. Rand, Ted & Amash are the new leaders. If they nominate Christie I'll vote for Johnson. No self respecting person would vote for Hilary.
Eric Brunton from Facebook
You're right Adrienne... Healthcare CEOs, hedge fund managers heavily invested in health care... They're effed... But the average American will be better off
Eric Brunton from Facebook
He then also voted for the same legislation he faux-filibustered for... When you know he could have been attempting to negotiate a compromise... And thus the problem with our current legislature... We have one side that thinks their ideas are best for America, but realize in a country of 300 million there is room for disagreement and compromise. On the other side we have ideologues, name callers and recalcitrants. Eventually the "RINO"s are going to switch over...
@Eric Brunton

You are clueless.  Reid wouldn't allow any compromises - no amendments, only his own which adds Obamacare funding back in.
We tried to compromise with Obama when this bill was drafted, but you may recall he said to us "I won the election" when we threw out some of our ideas at the healthcare summit.  If he had actually accepted some of our ideas, this law wouldn't have turned out to be the festering political sore that it's become and might actually have a chance of not being so bad.
The ACA is based on Republican ideas to begin with.  The Dems wanted single-payer.  Negotiations with the GOP is exactly why the ACA is the way it is, and then no GOPers voted for it. 
Basically, Reid is following the legal procedures that McConnell did when authorizing spending for two wars and a Medicare Part D that wasn't paid for.  Except that he's preventing the minority from undoing the will of the people.  the 2012 campaign was a referendum on the ACA.  Dems held the Oval Office, picked up seats in the Senate, and had more votes for the House that would have mattered if not for gerrymandering.  Elections have consequences.
Cruz, Paul and Rubio won't make it past the early stages of the primary in 2016.
Ali Bubba from Facebook
It wasn't a filibuster. A true filibuster prevents legislation in which wouldn't be held until a few days after he stood there giving his speech. There was no legislation occurring, so he essentially was just speaking for 21 hours maybe just trying to kill time and use it for self-gain. But, nonetheless it has no effect on legislation.
I gave this article a chance, I really did, but wow, this is ridiculous.  I tend to stand with the GOP but Ted Cruz is nothing but cancer to the party.  I WANT HIM OUT!  We need our party to return to the party of reason and ideas, not extremism and zealots like Ted Cruz. 
Bob Mack from Facebook
Dear Jerry, I'd be delighted to give you a wager on 2016... Let's start with 2%... Bet you the Libertarian candidate for President doesn't get 2%. Your house against mine??
Bob Mack from Facebook
Dear Johnny... it's mandatory spending.. They can't legally defund it and they can't repeal it, so this entire 18 month exercise has been a waste of time and energy and taxpayer money. The GOP leadership HAS to know this, but in the interests of keeping people like you on their side, they have continued this charade. It's time for the adults to take over... And for everyone who has a stake in seeing this legislation survive to share this information, volunteer and vote in 2014. The GOP and Tea Party pea brains lap this stuff up, but the truth is, you are being played. Facts have a bias for a reason... the conservatives fail to recognize them and make up their own. Are there any questions??
it may be true that many americans feel the fed gov has 'too much power' but maybe a lot of them are a lot like me: scared shitless of what these 'wacko birds' will do to the nation if they take the controls. a powerful central gov may then be necessary since we're not all bunkered down and ammo'd up and prefer a civilized life.
@grasspress So the thought of you waking up with too much liberty scares you shitless, huh?  Maybe you should just grow up and grow a set.
We live like civilized Americans too, which is why we oppose your efforts to make us live like cavemen in pursuit of your climate religion.  But, don't worry, we're armed to the gills and can protect your candyass if China or Russia ever goes Red Dawn on us.
What happened to you, TDB?  Have you completely lost the plot?  To suggest that Cruz is selfless in his nutjobbiness is irrational.  Are you taking the opposite view this time to assuage the trolls on this site?  Stop this nonsense before you lose credibility entirely.
Eric Brunton from Facebook
It's spelled Muslim Paul, and how can Obama be both Muslim and a part of Jeremiah Wright's militant black Christian church?
@Eric Brunton Obama is neither Muslim nor Christian.  He is somewhere between an atheist and an Obamaist.  He just identifies with the anti-colonialist, anti-American and anti-white sentiments shared by both his Muslim father and his "Spiritual Mentor", J Wright's Black Liberation Theology.  You don't digest that scheit for 20 years if you don't buy into any of it.
Walter Myers from Facebook
" is fundamentally a conservative principle because the people take personal responsibility rather than turning to the government for free care." Mitt Romney regarding Romenycare's individual mandate.
Johnny Mankins from Facebook
Has anyone ever noticed that "tolerant" people become really intolerant when you begin to disagree with them. lol. I love when people rant with absolutely no facts...hahahahaha
@Johnny Mankins I love it when the portion of the government which SCREAMS
"SMALLER GOVERNMENT" then turns around and wants the government hip deep in the
reproductive organs of half the population of the United States. I'd be all the way behind
 these guys on nearly every other part of their so-called platform, but when they want to tell
women who  become pregnant, they can just jolly well stay that way and shut up about it, they
lost my interest entirely. The Constitution  is about recognizing the rights of citizens, not family
 planning, and certainly not curtailing the rights of individuals to make reproductive, or
 otherwise sexual, decisions. Furthermore, this "We're Pro-Life, but we love war,"  and Birth
that kid, but  stay the hell outta our wallets once it's born,"  malarkey has lost legions of
Republican votes, including mine. If R's ever want to be relevant to actual GOVERNANCE,
again, they need to drop the blatantly hypocritical bull excrement from their schtick. Real
 conservatives are tired of it.

Oh, so you want to be able to take out an elective hit on your viable 7 month baby just to satisfy your twisted, macabre idea of reproductive choice?
And, don't look now, but we're the reason the Nobel Peace Prize Winner isn't engaged in a vanity war in Syria.  You're welcome.
@RJWagner @Shove72  If you want control of a pregnancy, get your own....there's a clinic in Amsterdam which can give you your very own uterus, and you can control it to your little heart's content. When any law compels you to give up an organ for the purpose of sustaining another's life, get back to me...otherwise, go gestate something.

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