
There has been a call for the impeachment of Attorney General Eric Holder and his removal from office from those who believed his actions were more that of Obama’s henchman than the top lawyer in the nation. His identification of himself as an activist increased those calls. Now, news comes from NPR Thursday morning that Eric Holder is expected to announce this afternoon that he is stepping down as Attorney General.
There is a caveat to this resignation, however. Holder will remain in office until a successor is found, which could take up to a year.
Like many officials within the Obama regime, Holders time in office is riddled with scandals galore. From the Fast and Furious, the illegal gun-running operation which claimed the life of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry to failing to conduct a proper investigation into Benghazi, in fact preventing witnesses from testifying, and obstructing the investigation, and colluding with Democrats to do so, into the IRS scandal of targeting the Tea Party, his legacy will be marred with controversy as those are but a few of the scandals involving Holder and his office.
It is reported that he does not want to stay through the end of Obama’s term, hence the announcement of his intent to step down now.
No set time has yet been announced for Holder’s official press conference regarding his decision to step down, though it will occur sometime Thursday afternoon.
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