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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fascism Update: Obama Regime Takes Another Swipe at Second Amendment Rights


Barack Obama has demonstrated time and again that he will attack any constitutional right that he does not like using any and all means to do so. Whether going around Congress with executive orders or leaning on companies to comply to his agenda, he will stop at nothing to get his way. When it comes to the Second Amendment, he has been ruthless in his quest to strip Americans of that right all while he and his family are protected by armed Secret Service agents.

The Daily Signal  reports that Obama’s latest attempt to shut down businesses that sell firearms, ammunition and anything else related to Second Amendment rights is through Operation Choke Point, which pressures banks to cease their relationship with any customer “who buy or sell firearms, tobacco and other goods considered “not acceptable” by the Obama administration.”The tyrannical and controlist nature of the Obama regime is in full effect.

In response to this demand for compliance by Obama, SquareTrade, the popular credit card processor that simply attaches to a smartphone, changed its terms of agreement.
…you will not accept payments in connection with the following businesses or business activities: …sales of (i) firearms, firearm parts or hardware, and ammunition; or (ii) weapons and other devices designed to cause physical injury.
In addition, SquareTrade is now preventing the use of its system for the purchase online of tobacco products.
Today, the Square’s terms prohibit gun-shop owners from using the credit-card processor not only when they are conducting gun sales at their brick-and-mortar stores but even more so when they are offsite, representing their stores at gun shows where they often need the wireless Square Reader to ring up sales on smartphones or tablets. Gun show have been a target of anti-gun activists for nearly 20 years.
The action and its impact were noted by gun enthusiast blogs at the time, but it was hardly a blip on the radar screen of mainstream outlets.
Now, with evidence mounting of an all-out war on Second Amendment supporters in the financial marketplace, it fits the bill of an Operation Choke Point target.
Square’s revised terms of agreement immediately forced vendors to halt the processing of transactions of citizens who simply wish to buy or sell firearms or ammunition.

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