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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Good Riddance: Eric Holder and the Departure of a Despot


In what must be an act of political desperation on the part of the Obama Administration weeks before a critical election and with record low approval numbers for President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder has “decided” to resign.
It is extraordinarily strange that the first black attorney general of the first black President, both who have rhetorically made civil rights abuse, police abuse such a rallying cry as recently as yesterday at the UN, would resign before the Ferguson, MO, grand jury was concluded.
The timing of this resignation leaves one to believe that the Obama Administration is in full panic mode and that Mr. Holder’s team presence was net negative in this election cycle.
The motto of the Obama Administration has long been “the ends justify the means.” Holder oversaw the most-radical Department of Justice this nation has ever endured and throughout scandal after scandal and abuse after abuse, President Obama maintained that the ends had justified the means- they were marching the ball down the field of radical socialism.
Now, it’s every man for himself. President Obama is forced to steer clear of any Democrats who might face a tough race in the midterms and Holder’s presence in Ferguson demonstrated that the Obama Administration is not interested in the seeking of justice, but in taking sides. Holder’s appearance in Ferguson appears to have backfired and now is the time for the two radical social engineers to part company before more damage is done.
To make this whole situation even more laughable, the professional race-hustler Al Sharpton has inserted himself into the conversation and claims to be in talks with the White House to help pick a successor.
Sharpton’s group, the National Action Network, laughably stated, 
“We are proud that he has been the best Attorney General on civil rights in U.S. history and disappointed because he leaves at a critical time when we need his continued diligence most. We are engaged in immediate conversations with the White House on deliberations over a successor whom we hope will continue in the general direction of Attorney General Holder.” 
On Thursday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell claimed that he would be scrutinizing the pick for Holder’s replacement to ensure we have an Attorney General who is actually committed to preserving law and order. 
“I could not support the President’s nomination of Eric Holder in 2009 because of the many questionable decisions he’d made as Deputy Attorney General. Five years later, I’m confident in the wisdom of that decision. Holder has placed ideological commitments over a commitment to the rule of law. These are not the qualities the American people look for in the nation’s highest law-enforcement official. So I will be scrutinizing the President’s replacement nominee to ensure the Justice Department finally returns to prioritizing law enforcement over partisan concerns.” 
Holder will be remembered for having done tremendous damage to the United States’ legal system and wiped his feet upon the Constitution. The fact that Sharpton is involved in the selection process for the next attorney general illustrates the kind of corruption that is endemic in the Democrat Party and the kind of liberalism that has failed minority communities and the country at large. 

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